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Will FowlerIan RapaportPrzemek Lubecki

Will Fowler · Ian Rapaport · Przemek Lubecki

$1.64 Million Verdict on $0 Offer contested liability trip and fall in Georgia

TLU Icon August 27, 2024 5:30 PM||TLU n Demand

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Brooks Injury Law obtained a $1.64 million verdict in Georgia on June 12, 2024. The case was tried by Ian Rapaport and Will Fowler, who split liability and damages throughout the trial. The trial team also included attorneys Natanya Brooks and Meredith Watts, who collectively worked up the case for four years.

This was a premises liability case involving our client, Earnest Woody, who severely injured his back after stepping into an improperly compacted hole on the edge of his driveway in September 2018. The hole was dug by Defendant Cruz Construction, LLC, who was subcontracted through Elite Utilities, LLC to lay AT&T fiber optic cable under our client’s driveway.

In laying the cable, Cruz Construction dug a hole and then failed to properly compact the soil when filling it back in. As our client was unloading a case of water from his car early in the morning while it was dark, he stepped back off the driveway and the improperly compacted hole gave way. Mr. Woody fell backwards with the case of water landing on his chest, severely injuring his lower back. After conservative chiropractic care for a month, Mr. Woody ultimately needed surgery. Due to unforeseen complications from the first surgery, he was back under the knife a week later.

The case went to trial on June 10, 2024. Below is a summary of our key points from the trial:

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