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Zach SprouseBrent Savage JrJay Vaughn

Zach Sprouse · Brent Savage Jr · Jay Vaughn

$3.6 million jury trial win over Werner Enterprises, Inc., overcoming adverse law enforcement, experts, and distractions

TLU Icon February 24, 2023 6:30 PM||TLU n Demand

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We secured a $6 million jury verdict in federal court, Middle District of Georgia, against Werner Enterprises, Inc. 60% fault was placed on Werner, making the post-apportionment award $3.6 million plus interest and costs.

In this rear-end collision case (with our client in the rear – striking the rear of a tractor-trailer), we dealt with the investigating and reporting trooper finding our client 100% at fault.

We had prior crashes and innuendo of cell phone use to deal with along with other challenges facing our client. We could discuss how we dismantled the defenses and their experts using lay witnesses; and on the damages side, we could showcase some clips of powerful but simple before/after testimony to undermine the “but she is back to normal,” defense.

Werner’s best (and only) offer before trial was a $40,000 offer of judgment. No high-low.

The Court entered judgment (attached) for $3.6 million against Werner. We anticipate over $200,000 of prejudgment interest will be added to the judgment, based on a $2.8 million pre-trial offer that was rejected.

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