Adam Shea · Nicholas Yoka
June 3, 2022 2:00 AM||TLU n Demand
In Green v. Navab, PSBR partner Adam Shea and attorney Nicholas Yoka obtained a $2.8 Million verdict in a case where the plaintiff’s Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) was hotly contested. There were competing arguments relating to how CRPS is diagnosed and what the criteria are for the diagnosis, and whether treatment had so significantly helped plaintiff that it called into question whether he even had CRPS. The defense had private investigators follow the plaintiff for more than 400 hours and record video that appeared to show the plaintiff experiencing no pain or other effects of CRPS. Adam Shea and Nicholas Yoka will explain how they addressed these issues with experts and in trial preparation to obtain a verdict that was nearly triple what the defense ever offered – and how these techniques can be used to the plaintiff’s benefit in most cases.
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