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Brian PanishJesse Creed

Brian Panish · Jesse Creed

Discovery Sanctions, Documents, and Trial Preparation - Brian Panish & Jesse Creed

TLU Icon May 20, 2022 5:00 PM||TLU n Demand

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In the Southern California Gas Leak Cases, PSBR partner Brian Panish and attorney Jesse Creed obtained nearly $6 million in discovery sanctions in a mass tort against Southern California Gas Company and Sempra Energy. After ferreting out serious discovery abuses described by the court as “bad faith” and “willful,” the Court allowed Plaintiffs to reopen any deposition in the case and required Defendants to pay all fees and costs for the depositions. The documents turned out to be the most important documents in the case and were critical to the settlement of the case for $1.8 billion. Brian Panish and Jesse Creed explain the critical importance of pushing for all discovery to which you are entitled so that you can maximize recovery for your clients and put on your best case at trial.

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