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Rex Parris

Rex Parris

REPLAY - PARRIS Trial College - Rex Parris’ approach to $53M trial in Beverly Hills

TLU Icon September 16, 2022 2:30 AM||TLU n Demand

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This trial college has one goal. It is to teach lawyers how to get bigger verdicts. They do this without apology or evasion. A plaintiff’s lawyer’s job is to get the largest verdict possible. It is the defense lawyer’s job to keep the verdict as low as possible.
The Parris Firm’s last five verdicts and one settlement during trial are all in 8 or 9 figures. This is not from luck, an accident, or magic. It is learning the science of persuasion and then discovering how to apply it in the courtroom. It is not a talent you are born with or a gift that is given to you. It comes from doing the work necessary to become unconsciously competent in the discrete skills that will assist the lawyer in persuading judges and juries to fully compensate the plaintiff for all of their injuries and damages.

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