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Brian PanishBenedict Morelli

Brian Panish · Benedict Morelli

REPLAY - TLU Live Vegas 2022 - Sequencing of Witnesses, Cross Examination, and Setting Up the Summation PART 2

TLU Icon January 12, 2023 6:30 PM||TLU n Demand

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Two titans of trial, Brian Panish and Benedict Morelli, share their trial philosophies and strategies. In this first of three videos, they talk about voir dire and opening statements.

Voir Dire:
Selecting juries in different venues - East Coast vs. West Coast
What to do when your opportunity to voir dire is limited or changed by the judge at trial
What to do when you don’t get a voir dire.
Have an opening statement that is even more detailed.

Drafting questions for voir dire when the judge picks the jury

Opening Statements:
How do you build connection with jury when you don’t have voir dire.

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