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Sean ClaggettGeordan Logan

Sean Claggett · Geordan Logan

TLU Live NYC (Replay) - The Trial Lawyer Toolkit: Tools That Drive Nuclear Verdicts Part 1-4

TLU Icon December 22, 2023 6:30 PM||TLU n Demand

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Registering for this webinar will give you access to Parts 1-4. Use the same Zoom link to watch all parts.

Claggett and Logan will use actual cases tried to verdict throughout the presentation to demonstrate how these items have translated into trial success.

Dec 19 - Part 1: The Worksheets that Guide your Trial Strategy, Prep, and Execution

Learn about the worksheets our attorneys use in every case, and how these worksheets—when properly completed—will help you create the most powerful opening statement, order of proof, and voir dire.

Dec 20 - Part 2: The Work Days & Big Data Analysis

In this hour, we will discuss the manner in which we bring together the data collected in the worksheets with the data gathered from the Big Data focus group. These two sources of information—when properly synthesized—are the tools you need to maximize your trial success.

It is possible for an attorney to have a high level of certainty about whether they are likely to win their case, how much money they will win for their client, how jurors will decide comparative fault issues, how jurors will perceive key evidence, whether a witness is credible, and much more. Put another way, the idea that jury trials are unpredictable, wild, and uncertain, is a myth.It is a myth borne of a deficit of information, a failure to recognize that humans are largely predictable, and a slowness to adopt modern methods fully in use in other industries. To that end, a scientific, big-data approach to preparing cases is changing the work of trial lawyers.

Dec 21 - Part 3: Opening Statements

See how we used the information contained from our workday worksheets to create the most powerful opening statements in the industry. We will also discuss the use of powerpoint and how it is way more powerful than you ever knew.

Dec 22 - Part 4: Live Focus Groups

This hour will discuss the necessity for and the use of live focus groups. Most importantly, when and how to use them to provide the greatest impact. Neither Big Data focus groups nor Live focus groups can take the place of the other. Both are necessary to provide you with a valid understanding of the trial to come.

If you can't attend Live, Watch On Demand