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Steve Williamson

Steve Williamson

TLU Live Vegas 2024 REPLAY - Overcoming Tough Issues to Achieve Outstanding Jury Verdicts in Cases Involving Pre-Existing Conditions

TLU Icon April 1, 2025 5:30 PM||Zoom Logo

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In this program, Stephen Williamson describes how he overcame tough issues to achieve significant jury verdicts in cases involving pre-existing conditions, including a record-setting verdict of $117,747,000.00, a verdict of $10,000,000.00, and several other multi-million-dollar jury verdicts and settlements during trial.

Steve will provide actionable strategies and practical techniques for trying spine and other injury cases where the clients have pre-existing conditions and/or prior injuries from old accidents, the effects of age, congenital conditions or all the above.

Using cases like these as examples, Steve will provide useful guidance for trial prep, jury selection, opening statement, examination of witnesses, and closing argument.The info provided will help you deal with these issues, be credible, and feel more comfortable in the courtroom, increasing your chances of achieving a favorable result at trial.

Themes to be covered will include showing the jury that you trust them to make right decision once they have all evidence; being completely straight and forthcoming with the jury about all the problems in the case; neutralizing the defense’s favorite facts; and drawing a start contrast between their gamesmanship and your transparency.

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