Arkady Frekhtman · Arleen Polischuk
August 22, 2023 5:30 PM||TLU n Demand
A 13-year-old girl cut her left ankle on a broken pipe while playing tag with friends. She suffered a 4 cm laceration requiring 8 stitches. There was minimal treatment. Three years later a neurologist mentioned superficial nerve injury and 6 years later plaintiff’s medical expert found she may have signs of CRPS. After a one-week jury trial in Brooklyn NY plaintiff obtained a $535,000 verdict. Find out how they did it from voir dire, opening statements, direct & cross-examination, and closing arguments.
Teaching points:
1) How to be open-minded and inclusive in jury selection to get a truly fair jury
2) How to use defense’s own statements against them
3) Why and how to front all your bad facts early and often
4) How learning the human story can deal with your worst facts
5) Using your medical doctors to show objective evidence of injury and causation
6) Discrediting the defense medical expert
7) Direct of your client that is honest, humble, and powerful
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