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Aaron BroussardPrzemek Lubecki

Aaron Broussard · Przemek Lubecki

Wrongful Death - $35 million Non-Economic Damage Verdict

TLU Icon March 20, 2025 5:30 PM||TLU n Demand

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In a small town tucked among rolling hills, a busy mother named Samantha was driving her three children down a narrow highway one morning. They were on their way to daycare. As Samantha slowed to turn left, a heavy concrete truck barreled toward them at high speed. Its driver, Jeff, failed to notice Samantha's car in time.

In a terrible instant, the loaded truck slammed into the back of their little vehicle. The force of the impact propelled Samantha’s car into oncoming traffic and a second collision. Trapped in the wreckage, 2 of the kids emerged with painful injuries—a skull fracture and a broken leg—but both survived. Tragically, the third one could not be saved.

Samantha’s husband, Ted, a military man, raced to the scene to find the family’s car crushed and his loved ones in despair. Though the trucking company and driver admitted responsibility, the truck’s owner, Brian, secretly took the dash camera’s memory card, and the footage of that day disappeared. The Calvin family, devastated by their loss and the kids’ injuries, now seeks justice for the harm they suffered—and for the life they can never replace.

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